The weather has managed to last but I feel it is now turning and it does have an impact on the flow from our inside environment to our outside space. The children will still have exactly the same opportunity to be outside as much as they want but they will need to put coats on and wellies if it is wet and muddy. Could you please send your child in with wellies that are named if you have not already done so. Next week we are going to be asking you to drop your children off at the main gates instead of bringing them down to the classroom. This will then bring us in line with the rest of the school, which is continuing to ensure safety by limiting parents onto the site. I will be at the gate to meet them in exactly the same way as I do every morning. They will only have to walk down the ramp to another teacher who will be stood at the door of the unit. This worked really well when we operated this system before the summer holidays. I would like to stress that I feel...
Showing posts from September, 2020
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This week the children have been looking at a painting called Road to Tahiti by Gauguin. We discussed what we could see and created our own interpretation of the painting. The children also made their own story about the characters in the paining which was created during a group discussion. Here it is. The river by reception Once upon a time in a hot country a man and a woman went to get some water from the river. They had to walk a long long way past a house made out of straw but not the house like the three little pigs. There was a woman sat outside the house and she was sleeping because she was tired and her horse was tired and thirsty. The man and the woman got some water and gave it to the horse and had some cake in the straw house. The end. It was interesting to see how the story evolved when all the children contributed together, each one giving another version of the story and their own creative view. We have also been busy looking at timelines which...
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We have had a really busy week in reception and the children are now familiar with their new routines and are beginning to adjust to our new way of working. We have been very lucky with the weather and have managed to have lots of outdoor activities going on before we start with the wellie boot routine. The children are learning to be together and we are encouraging them to use their communication and language skills to problem solve on their own. We are observing this and supporting when appropriate. We have enjoyed the story of The Enormous Turnip and the children have acted out the sequence of events. We are going to be spending time looking at sequencing in many different ways. Could you please email me a photograph of your child when they were a baby so that we can look at the sequence from birth to now. As part of our new way of working we are asking if you could complete a settling in form for your child online. This information sharing will help you see what we have ...
Welcome to reception
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Welcome to our class blog. Every week I will be posting information about what we have been doing and what we will be doing the following week. I will also be including some photographs of the children playing and learning. I am aware that our first morning was a bit hectic and I thank you all for your patience. Day 2 was considerably better and I hope you will all continue to help the children become independent in coming into the unit. I feels as if we have done a whole week and it is amazing how quickly they are settling into their new routines. Many of the children have been with us for the past year so they are familiar with the environment and the new children are quickly grasping and exploring their new surroundings. We have spent quite a bit of time helping them understand the importance of washing their hands thoroughly and we will be continuing to do this over the next few weeks. Lunchtimes have been good and they are enjoying chatting to their new and old friends as the...