This week the children have been looking at a painting called Road to Tahiti by Gauguin. We discussed what we could see and created our own interpretation of the painting. The children also made their own story about the characters in the paining which was created during a group discussion. Here it is.

The river

by reception


Once upon a time in a hot country a man and a woman went to get some water from the river.

They had to walk a long long way past a house made out of straw but not the house like the three little pigs.

There was a woman sat outside the house and she was sleeping because she was tired and her horse was tired and thirsty.

The man and the woman got some water and gave it to the horse and had some cake in the straw house.

The end.

It was interesting to see how the story evolved when all the children contributed together, each one giving another version of the story and their own creative view.

We have also been busy looking at timelines which has included their own timeline from birth to now. We have been reading the Hungry Caterpillar and have looked at the life cycle/ timeline of a caterpillar. The children are fascinated by change and are enjoying observing and understanding changes that they can see for themselves. We will be looking deeper into this next week when we look at dinosaurs.

The first few weeks of term always bring new challenges but overall I think that the children have settled really well and are beginning to understand expectations and boundaries. I do apologise for the dirty uniforms this week but the children have been so busy outside in the environment which is very dusty at the moment. I do always say I would rather they went home dirty than clean as it shows they have had fun.

Here are a few reminders just to help things run smoothly.

·       Please make sure all clothing is labelled, if something goes missing it is impossible to know who it belongs to if it has no name.

·       Children should only be bringing water in their water bottles.

·       I am aware at pick up time some of the children are coming down to the double gates to see you before I let them out. I understand their excitement and I am aware some children have scooters and bikes but it does make it quite hard to dismiss them when they are in the wrong place. If you could try to discourage this, it would help us enormously. It is quite challenging searching out 30 parents at the gate so the easier I can make it for us all the better.

I hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Robinson


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