Welcome to reception

Welcome to our class blog. Every week I will be posting information about what we have been doing and what we will be doing the following week. I will also be including some photographs of the children playing and learning. I am aware that our first morning was a bit hectic and I thank you all for your patience. Day 2 was considerably better and I hope you will all continue to help the children become independent in coming into the unit.
I feels as if we have done a whole week and it is amazing how quickly they are settling into their new routines. Many of the children have been with us for the past year so they are familiar with the environment and the new children are quickly grasping and exploring their new surroundings. We have spent quite a bit of time helping them understand the importance of washing their hands thoroughly and we will be continuing to do this over the next few weeks. 
Lunchtimes have been good and they are enjoying chatting to their new and old friends as they each their food. We are having milk from the government but they have not started to send fruit in yet. None of the children have asked for food or are looking hungry so you do not have to send any snack in at the moment.
Here are some some photos of the children from the last 2 days. Don't worry if your child is not in the picture it will just mean they were busy doing something else and they will be in photos another week.
I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing all the children next week.
Mrs Robinson:)


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