We have had a really busy week in reception and the children are now familiar with their new routines and are beginning to adjust to our new way of working. We have been very lucky with the weather and have managed to have lots of outdoor activities going on before we start with the wellie boot routine.
The children are learning to be together and we are encouraging them to use their communication and language skills to problem solve on their own. We are observing this and supporting when appropriate. 
We have enjoyed the story of The Enormous Turnip and the children have acted out the sequence of events. We are going to be spending time looking at sequencing in many different ways.
 Could you please email me a photograph of your child when they were a baby so that we can look at the sequence from birth to now.
As part of our new way of working we are asking if you could complete a settling in form for your child online. This information sharing will help you see what we have observed about your child during the first couple of weeks in the setting. Could you please complete the parent’s comments section at the end and return the forms to crobinson@littleheath.herts.sch.uk.
These will be sent out at the beginning of next week.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Robinson:)


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