The weather has managed to last but I feel it is now turning and it does have an impact on the flow from our inside environment to our outside space. The children will still have exactly the same opportunity to be outside as much as they want  but they will need to put coats on and wellies if it is wet and muddy. Could you please send your child in with wellies that are named if you have not already done so. 

Next week we are going to be asking you to drop your children off at the main gates instead of bringing them down to the classroom. This will then bring us in line with the rest of the school, which is continuing to ensure safety by limiting parents onto the site. I will be at the gate to meet them in exactly the same way as I do every morning. They will  only have to walk down the ramp to another teacher who will be stood at the door of the unit. This worked really well when we operated this system before the summer holidays. I would like to stress that I feel the children are more than capable of doing this and I encourage you to not prep them too much as sometimes this makes it a far bigger issue than necessary. Please email me if you have any concerns regarding this matter.

This week we have revisited our timeline from birth and the children are now beginning to look a measuring to record changes to themselves and the environment. We were going to be looking at dinosaurs but their own ideas have taken a different direction which makes it far more meaningful. We have also worked hard on our phonics which needs a little work. It would be helpful if you could support your child with their phonics development by practising the initial sounds in words. Next week I will be setting the children passwords for mathseeds and reading eggs which are excellent ICT programmes that support maths and reading.

We have had lots of uniform lost or left with no names. Please label your children's clothes so that they can be returned to you if they get lost. Esha has lost her cardigan so please check at home to see if you have more than one.

Have a good weekend. 

Mrs Robinson:)




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