Hello everyone,

This week in Reception we have focused on "Superworm" book by Julia Donaldson. We looked at the different things that the superworm could change itself into such as a hat, a fairground ride, a lasoo and the children shared their own ideas too. We were glad to see some rain this week as we were able to find some worms for our wormery.

Next week we will be making magic potions and we will write potion poetry.


In maths we have done a lot of counting using coins. We have been practising counting in twos through different games.Next week we will be learning about odd and even numbers.


This week we have been working on describing pictures with words, captions and sentences. 

The children have been introduced to the tricky words: 'said' and 'so'.

Next week we will learn the tricky words 'have' and 'do'.

If you have booked a school dinner for your child and changed your mind to a packed lunch please let the school office know so the food doesn't get wasted.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Sheehan

                                                        "The Enourmous Turinip" role play
                                                         We found a frog in our garden

                                                          Unusual pineapple plant
                                                   We found roots and shoots on our beens

                                                             Searching for worms


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