Hello everyone,

It has been an exciting week back after the Easter break in Reception. The highlight of the week for the children was swapping playgrounds with Nursery. The children loved exploring the new environment and kept on telling me how much they enjoyed their play. 

This week we have been learning about plants. We have planted cress seeds and have observed how the seeds are changing each day.

Next week we will plant beans and will learn the Life Cycle of a Broad Bean.

Our focus story for next week will be The Enormous Turnip.


In phonics we have been singing the alphabet forwards and backwards and we have revisited phonics: qu, ch and sh.

This week we have also practised writing upper case B.

Next week we will revisit the letter sound 'th' and we will use it in reading and writing.


This week we have introduced a shop role play to our classroom. The children used money while playing shops and we have been discussing the use of money in our everyday lives.

Next week we will learn about values of coins.

As the weather is changing, on the off chance that we get a hot day can you please make sure that you apply sun cream in the morning and remember to bring a sun hat.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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