The worms have arrived

 The worms have arrived!!!!!  

This week the children have been looking at the differences and similarities between worms and snakes and have learnt a lot about how worms feed and make soil. We have made our own wormery which the children are going to be observing and recording what they see over a period of time. This activity was triggered by their desire to find worms and take them home, we are now hoping that this will end and the worm community of Little Heath can live happily without the threat from giants picking them up and putting them in their socks.!!!! 

Although they are now interested in snails, watch out. 

The children have progressed enormously with their personal, social and emotional development since September and they are now really established with the routines and expectations of life in reception. As a result of this the children are able to access learning in a positive and enthusiastic way. They are like sponges and are absorbing so much on a daily basis and we are continuing to extend every opportunity for learning by resourcing and updating our provision. Hopefully after the holidays we will have some new areas that the children can use to play and learn. 


Winter uniform after the holidays please.

We are going to be finishing our day at 3.10pm from Monday 2nd of November onwards. Our start time will remain the same. 

Please contact me if you have any concerns.  

My email is 

Have a great break and we look forward to seeing you all after the holidays. 

Stay safe. 

Mrs RobinsonJ 


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