Hello all,

This week in Reception we have carried out a variety of experiments. We made tests with melting ice and freezing water. We experimented with colour mixing using food colouring and skittles. The children were exited to see the result of the experiment and were very tempted to taste the skittles.  As one of our new letter sound was 'ao' which has a catchphrase: soap that goat, and the picture shows a goat having a bubble bath, we have decided to investigate how to make the best bubbles. The children thought of the following techniques: blowing air into soapy water, mixing it, whisking it, transferring the mixture into different containers. We used a hand whisk and an electric mixer and we have discovered that the electric mixer made the best bubbles. We also launched a rocket into Space which was super exciting!  We know, that all of it was done not by magic but by scientific discoveries. We are all inspired by our latest science experiences and and we are keen to learn more.


In phonics the children were introduced to the following letter sounds: ai. oa, igh oo.

I have placed a copy of Phase 3 letter sounds into children's reading folders. Please, revisit the letters sounds thought so far.


In maths we worked on developing our understanding of one more and one less for numbers up to 5.

The children particularity enjoyed scoring and counting points while playing a snaw ball game.

Next week we will be  focusing on the Great British Bird Watch.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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