Hello all,

This week we have introduced Hospital role play area to our classroom. The children watched excitedly  Mrs Robinson creating the Hospital and couldn't wait to enjoy it. We are all amazed how well the children use the resources, how creative and sociable they are. I'm confident that NHS will be in capable hands in the near future. Using information books, videos and our own experiences we discussed the importance of nurses and doctors jobs.


This week in maths we were learning about numbers 1,2 and 3 by finding quantities, subitizing, comparing numbers and problem solving tasks. 


In phonics we revisited all of the letter sounds we have learnt so far and we played sound blending games. Please continue practising the sounds at home with your children over the half term. 

After the holidays, all children need to be wearing the winter uniform which is the navy tracksuit. The children should not be wearing trainers but school shoes. Please, make sure that all their uniform is clearly labelled.

We hope to see some of you at our bonfire night. 

Have a great half term break!

Mrs Sheehan


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