
Showing posts from June, 2024
Hello all, By popular demand I have attached the footage from the BBC news about Brodie the dinosaur. The children were amazed that the police had been to visit and he had been spotted in the grounds. The children are aware that the dinosaur is very friendly so they are not frightened by all the activity. It has sparked so much learning that it is hard to record it all. The amount of language and communication that has taken place is incredible, we are now trying to move onto another adventure but who knows, he may return! We have also been very fortunate that the community police officers came for a visit and talked to the children about safety. They also played along with our current story. The children drew pictures of the dinosaur and the police promised to look for it in the area. They will let us know the outcome. Maths In maths we focused on replicating models. Finding things that are the same and different by looking at different arrangements. I hope you all have a great weeken
 Hello all, What a busy week it has been. The children enjoyed the sunshine and lots of outdoor learning. We have been observing the dinosaur egg all week and today when we arrived at school it had escaped from the tank. The children have made posters and put them around the school to see if anyone has seen a dinosaur on the loose. If you happen to see our dinosaur in Potters Bar over the weekend please let me know. His name is Brodie. The children have been using their investigation skills to find clues as to what happened. Brodie made a huge mess in the unit and escaped out of the window. He left footprints and lots of dinosaur poo on the floor. Mr Rudy is going to clear it all up later on in the day. At the moment we have put some crime scene tape around the incident. Onto a lighter note is was good to see so many parents at sports day. Even though there were some tears at the end, we believe that they enjoyed the activities. It always upsets young children when there is a change in
Hello all, This week the children have been investigating some bones and an egg that we have found outside in our garden. We have put the egg in a box so that we can observe it hatching. We are not sure what is inside so we brought some books from the library to research what could be inside and based on it we have made our perditions. Amongst other ideas we had a peacock, a lizard, an ostrich, a chick, a dinosaur. We are excited to see what will happen next! In Maths we have been exploring the concepts of sharing and grouping. We have been investigating if even /odd quantities can be shared fairly.  Thursday is our Sports Day. The children will be in groups with their siblings and other children throughout the school. When you arrive, you will be able to join your child's group as they do activities. Each group has a member of staff with them so please be reassured that your child will be ok. We will congregate on the school field so find your child and join in. We are hoping for
  Hello all, Hello all, As part of 'Natural world' theme, this week we've begun learning about the underwater world and we have been creating art work for the school display. The children have made a huge whale, jellyfish, fish and many other underwater creatures.  The children are enjoying looking after our plants, especially the strawberries. The large strawberry has been nibbled and the children have been investigating to find out what or who did it. Maths In Maths we were  exploring the concept of sharing and grouping. The children were working on their understanding of sharing fairly into equal quantities.  I can't believe we are coming towards the end of the school year with lots of changes coming up. To support transitions into year 1, Mrs Flatley will be spending time each week working with the children in our foundation unit. This is a good opportunity for her to see the children and how they learn in the EYFS environment so that she can create a smooth transit