Hello all,

We were very lucky this week to have some visitors from Charlie's house. We had chicks in the setting and the children loved to hear about how to look after them. A big thanks to Charlie's mum for giving up her time to bring them in for us to see.

 We have introduced a new area outside which the children have been using. We have observed their ability to negotiate and turn take whilst  managing to develop imagination during play. As a result of  this area we have had lots of writing which has been initiated by the children. We have displayed this on the wall outside for you to see. 

In maths we continued learning about numbers beyond 10 and we looked at numerical patterns. If your child is not confident yet in counting and recognising numerals to 20, please support your child's learning at home through engaging her/him in hands on activities such as counting fruit, cutlery, etc.

Thank you to those who have donated plants this week, we are hoping to get a few more to put into the garden so if you have anything in your garden that is overgrown please sent it this way.

Can I please remind you about school uniform as it appears there is some confusion with children not wearing the correct uniform in school. Mrs Custis wrote on her blog last week to remind parents what the children can wear. I have also copied the list from our school website as a reminder.

Navy tracksuit with school crest

Polo shirt with school crest

White, or grey socks

Formal, non-casual, waterproof black shoes (not sneakers or canvas shoes)

Optional for Summer* – Navy blue and white checked school dress and grey short trousers. Grey skirts are for year 1 onwards and not foundation.

 I would like to remind you that trainers are not part of school uniform. Please ensure that your child is wearing suitable footwear for school and that means shoes which are waterproof, formal and black with Velcro straps. 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan



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