Hello all,

What a busy week we have had in Foundation with visitors and lots of learning taking place as usual. The children always like visitors in the setting and enjoy talking and sharing what they have been doing. They were all very polite and were able to articulate their learning. 

This week we have planted, made timelines, mixed potions and enjoyed playing in our new camping Summer area. We have a tent, BBQ and picnic table for them to use in role play. It is a joy to observe.

In maths, we have been using 2D shapes to compose different arrangements and to describe the position of shapes.

It is great to see lots of children engaging in writing and creative activities. Please, encourage writing for purpose at home. Also,  continue revisiting the letter sounds and the tricky words.  I'm sure the children will enjoy Phonics play games such as Buried Treasure or Dragon's Den. Here is the link to the free games.


Blast from the past from Mrs Robinson. I'm sure the children will enjoy watching the video.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan


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