
Showing posts from May, 2024
 Another busy week in foundation with lots of learning taking place. We are always looking to extend learning and development and have decided to create a cycle track on our side garden. This is in the planning stage but unfortunately I am very impatient so I have created a temporary one so that the children can have a go. They were amazing whizzing around the track so we look forward to its development over the next few weeks.  Its that time of year when we start to think about transition and we are now putting things in place to support the children through this. Mrs Flatley will be spending time in the unit with the reception children until the end of term. This helps the children get to know her and visa versa. We will also be visiting our new children in their settings and inviting them to come and play. If you have any questions about transition please ask myself or Mrs Sheehan. A text was sent out last week about trainers and this has also been in previous blogs and the...
 Hello all, What a busy week we have had in Foundation with visitors and lots of learning taking place as usual. The children always like visitors in the setting and enjoy talking and sharing what they have been doing. They were all very polite and were able to articulate their learning.  This week we have planted, made timelines, mixed potions and enjoyed playing in our new camping Summer area. We have a tent, BBQ and picnic table for them to use in role play. It is a joy to observe. In maths, we have been using 2D shapes to compose different arrangements and to describe the position of shapes. It is great to see lots of children engaging in writing and creative activities. Please, encourage writing for purpose at home. Also,  continue revisiting the letter sounds and the tricky words.  I'm sure the children will enjoy Phonics play games such as Buried Treasure or Dragon's Den. Here is the link to the free games. Blast from th...
Hello all, Finally the sun has arrived and it has definitely made us all feel a lot better. This week we have been planting outside and the children are going to nurture the plants over the next few weeks and observe their growth. We have been learning about the rainforest and the children have learnt many interesting facts. I am sure if you ask them they will be able to tell you about how people live in the rainforest. The children have been singing lots of counting songs and one of their favourites is Alice the camel. This reminded us of many videos we made during lock down. We shared them with the children who were very entertained. We have uploaded a couple for you to enjoy.  In maths this week, we focused on adding two single digit quantities and different ways of making 5. It would be great, if the children consolidate the number bonds at home by making 5 in different ways. They can use different objects as counters e.g. bricks , stones, pasta pieces, etc. 1 and 4 makes 5 2 p...
Hello all, We were very lucky this week to have some visitors from Charlie's house. We had chicks in the setting and the children loved to hear about how to look after them. A big thanks to Charlie's mum for giving up her time to bring them in for us to see.   We have introduced a new area outside which the children have been using. We have observed their ability to negotiate and turn take whilst  managing to develop imagination during play.  As a result of  this area we have had lots of writing which has been initiated by the children. We have displayed this on the wall outside for you to see.   In maths we continued learning about numbers beyond 10 and we looked at numerical patterns. If your child is not confident yet in counting and recognising numerals to 20, please support your child's learning at home through engaging her/him in hands on activities such as counting fruit, cutlery, etc. Thank you to those who have donated plants this week, we are hoping to...