Welcome back

It was lovely to see the children so full of enthusiasm to be back in the setting with all their friends.  We have been talking about relationships and how we look after and care for each other as we have some new children that have started in nursery. All the children have made a brilliant effort at welcoming  and sharing their space with them. 

Over the year, we often have visitors that come into the setting at night such as Tinkerbell, Jack Frost and the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. The children were very keen to invite another character in at night time. As we have been learning about oral health this week we decided to invite the tooth fairy. We will be responding to the tooth fairy with correspondence in the mornings. We will leave evidence around the room so that the children can become engaged creatively with the activities. We will be developing this further over the next couple of weeks.


In Maths we explored the concept of doubling . We used dominoes, dice and counters to find doubles of numbers 1 to 5. We also looked explored odd and even numbers. 


In phonics, the children were introduced to the new tricky words: said, so, have and like. Please, revise the tricky words and the letter sounds regularly at home so that the children can read them fluently. Use Little Wandle's section for parents for guidance and activities. 

As the weather begins to get warmer, hahahhaha please send your child in with a hat and sun cream if you feel they need it. We can always live in hope!

 Wood walks and stay and play sessions will commence from next week. We look forward to sharing learning with you.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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