Hello all,

This week we have celebrated The World Earth Day.  Through stories, videos and information books we have been learning how to look after our planet. Following this theme, we are working with the children on developing our garden area. We have already sown some seeds and are patiently waiting for them to grow.  We would greatly appreciate if you could donate a bag of soil or an established plant for your child to plant it our Foundation garden. 


This week in maths we have been learning about numbers beyond 10 up to 20. Using a variety of resources such as a bead string or stacking cubs. the children  practised counting on from 10.


Please continue revisiting the tricky words at home and encourage your child to write shopping lists, invitations, thank you cards , wish lists, etc . It is very important that the children use their phonics knowledge for writing. The correct spelling is not important at this stage. We want the children to develop independence and the can do attitude. Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home.

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Sheehan


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