Hello all,

We have had an exciting week with World Book Day to enjoy and celebrate. The children loved dressing up and sharing their books which created a nice relaxed environment for the day. Stories and books are such an integral part of foundation and everyday is about storytelling and adventures as the children learn through play. We shared many of our favourite books this week and we used Story bags for Noah's Ark and Each Peach Pear Plum. The children had an opportunity to make their  own books and we discussed the meaning of words: author and illustrator. We also continued working on our Foundation book ' What does your monster eat?'


In phonics we have been reading words with double letters and we have have revisited the tricky words: full, push, and, no, go, .


This week in Maths we have explored the concept of time. We used a sand timer to measure how many certain actions we can do within one minute e.g. how many stones can you take out of a jar within a  minute or who can make a tallest tower out of bricks within a minute.

Have a great weekend! 

Mrs Sheehan


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