Hello all,
We have a had a very Chinese week in the unit with lots of exciting activities relating to the Chinese New Year. The children have made Chinese dragons, prepared and eaten noodles using chop sticks, looked at China on our map and learnt about the Chinese Zodiac story. It has been a very busy week. The children have also tried to do some Chinese writing which was fantastic. We always enjoy this festival as it really captivates their interest especially as we are looking at other countries each day on our map.
On Tuesday, Reception class went for their first school trip to The Snow Centre. The children were very excited going on a coach as for most of them it was the first time having that experience. I'm glad all the children found the courage to go down the slope. The children were amazing and the staff from the centre commented on our children's excellent behaviour.
Next week is half term and we are all looking forward to a rest. I hope you all have a good break and we look forward to seeing you after the holidays.Mrs Sheehan
Dragon dance

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