Hello all,

During carpet sessions this week we have  been describing our friends. The children were good at identifying what's on the outside e.g. hair colour and clothes. We helped the children to describe what was on the inside. They were very good at this and were able to identify kindness, happiness and other emotions. They even picked up on some of the activities certain children liked to do. 

This week our focus story was 'The Owl Babies'. The children listened to the story and then they acted it out using props. We have lots of talented actors and actresses in our setting!


This week in maths we were learning about numbers 1,2 and 3 by finding quantities, subitizing, comparing numbers and problem solving tasks. 


In phonics we revisited all of the letter sounds we have learnt so far and we played sound blending games. Please continue practising the sounds at home with your children over the half term. 

Have a great half term break!

Mrs Sheehan


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