We have had a busy airport this week with lots of international flights going in and out. The children have enjoyed using their passport and have embraced the role play area with enthusiasm. We have had lots of flight attendants serving lovely food and pilots that have made smooth landings. Their communication, language and social interactions are fantastic and this is foundation provision at its best.

We have introduced a shop for the children so that they can have an understanding of money. We have turned our milk and snack area into a cafe and the children have to pay for their goods. This is another excellent way of learning in a meaningful way.

On Thursday we had a circus skills company come into school so that the children could have an exciting experience. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and were very good at balancing.

The Reception class had a visit from their Year1 teacher Mrs Flatley. She was excited to meet the children and carried out an activity with them. She will be visiting the children again before the Summer holiday.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Sheehan


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