Hello all,
This week has been very exciting in foundation as we have changed our role play area. Following on from last weeks aeroplane making we decided to create an airport and an aeroplane which has created a real buzz. We have a check in desk, baggage handling and a security check area. The children have their own passports so they will be able to travel. Role play areas are fantastic for extending learning in a meaningful way. We look forward to enjoying a couple of weeks of first hand creativity.
In Maths we introduced money. Next, week we will open a Foundation cafĂ© where the children will be paying for their snack using coins. 
On Friday we enjoyed Reception class first assembly. The children performed beautifully. They can be very proud of themselves!!!
On Thursday next week,  Reception class will take part in Circus Skills workshop. I bet the children will have lots of fun on the day. 
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mrs Sheehan


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