Hello all,

 It appears that Tinkerbell and Peter Pan came for a visit over the weekend and brought a story telling hat for the children. They left lots of pixie dust and they wrote the children a letter. This has inspired the children to be creative and use their imaginations to write stories.  During child initiated learning the children wrote their own story using their writing skills. We noticed that children who would not normally gravitate to the writing activities started to join in. We allowed them to write independently and supported if they felt they couldn’t do it. The children produced amazing writing which demonstrated their phonics and fine motor skills. We are continuing corresponding with characters that visit the setting in the night. We are allowing the direction to come from the children so that it remains meaningful.

One of the phonics reading books has instructions on how to make a paper aeroplane. The children have spent lots of time this week trying to make their own aeroplanes. We created an instruction list to help them negotiate the order in which to make the plane. We are going to encourage the children to use the instructions to verbally instruct another child to follow them.

We all had a great day on Thursday with our sports day. The children really enjoyed the experience and have been practising all the activities with Mr Mills over the last few weeks.

In maths we continued counting different quantities and matched them with corresponding numbers. Next week we will introduce money.

I hope you all have a good weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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