

Hello all,

This week we have been learning about artists and we have focused on Banksy. The children were very excited to know that Banksy does his art when they are sleeping in  bed. We have recreated some of his simpler art and have made a display in school for the other children to see. The children drew around Chloe to recreate the painting of the child with the balloon. Another exciting thing that happened this week was that we had a visitor in the night who brought us a new bell. The children were very excited when they found out it was Tinkerbell who had been to visit. They wrote letters to thank her for our new bell and we hope she will visit again. Maybe she will bring Peter Pan with her.


In maths this week we have focused on counting up to twenty and on recognising numerals over 10. 

The children made their own number lines and practiced the number formation.


Please continue revisiting the tricky words which were placed in your child's reading folder. You might want the word your child is learning on one of the doors in your house and treat it as a password,  so every time your child enters the room, they will have to say the word. We will use the password system in school too. 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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