Hello all,

After the mixture of the rainy and sunny weather, we have observed that the seeds which we have planted two weeks ago are starting to grow little shoots. This week, to mark the Coronation event, we have planted a Wild Cherry tree in our garden and called it King Charles. We will be looking at different types of trees and products made out of trees next week. 

The children are observing and discussing the changes in the caterpillars and the tadpoles placed on our nature table. We used the language of shape and size to describe the changes. We read ‘The very Hungry Caterpillar’ story and the children were engaged in retelling the story using props. Next, the children will make the life cycle books of a caterpillar and a frog.

In maths, we explored the language of size and we used the non standard measuring techniques such as measuring with shoes.  Next week, we will be learning about time. If the children would like to make a timeline at home e.g. own growth, a plant growth, an animal, a building or anything else they are interested in , they can bring it to school next week.

Next week is Walk to school week. We encourage everyone to walk, cycle or scoot to school when possible. We will be discussing how walking can benefit our health and the environment .

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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