Hello all,

The children have settled well after the break and we have been focusing on new life and lifecycles.

We have observed the children exploring the tadpole area and they have identified the changes that have taken place over the holidays. We have predicted the next steps for the tadpoles and we are exited to be able to see little froglets soon. We have created an area for the children to observe the changes taking place.

The warmer weather will mean that the children can explore different elements to our outdoor provision and the sand pit is the most popular. I apologise if they come home with sandy feet but think about the learning that has taken place as a result of that.

Letter formation

We are practising letter formation daily following PenPals programme. I have placed a sheet with the correct letter formation in the reading folders. Please, encourage the children to do some form of writing at home e.g. make labels for their pictures, make shopping list or cards for their family members and friends.


In maths, we used dominoes to identify quantities by sight and for adding two singe digit numbers. Next week we will continue to learn about addition.

This week the children had an opportunity to play drums. Mrs Howe introduced the children to the instrument and we were exploring the sound and rhythm.

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs Sheehan


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