Hello all,

What a performance. The children really enjoyed singing for you this week and we hope that you enjoyed it too. It has been very busy and festive in foundation, and we have been making cards and enjoying lots of glitter and glue. I think they have definitely got into the Christmas spirit. We have been so lucky with the snow and the children have spent time outside making snow angels and snowmen. On Thursday we had a visit from Santa which was very exciting. We sung Christmas songs for him and he left a bag of presents for us. During the Christmas party we have done lots of dancing and played party games in the hall. 

Only 3 school days left before we break for the holidays. We are all looking forward to a break and we hope that some of the awful bugs will disappear.

Please remember to collect your child at 2 o'clock on 21st December.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan

                                     Aris warming his feet by the fire after playing in the snow.

                                                                Making icy cobweb


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