
 Hello all,

This week we celebrated Anti Bullying Week in school. We wore odd socks on Monday to symbolise how we accept and celebrate that we are all different. On Friday we have dressed up in spotty clothes for Children in Need. We have discussed with the children the idea of charity and the importance of helping one another. The children had fun making spots on the giant Pudsey Bear.

Next week we will learn about volcanos and will do volcano eruption experiment.

During the week we also looked at our pets and discussed how we look after them. Many children brought pictures to school and presented their pet to the class.


In phonics the children were introduced to the following letter sounds: y, z, ch. Our new tricky words are: go, no, to, into.


In maths we have explored capacity. The children have practiced transferring liquids into different containers and have learnt vocabulary to describe capacity.

Next week in maths we will focus on number bonds to five.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan



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