
 Hello all,

This week we have been discussing the importance of equality. We have learnt how important it is to have understanding of how we should respond fairly to the individual needs and identities of all others. Allowing everyone the opportunity to have an equal chance to live their lives as they choose. 

During carpet sessions we have been describing our friends. The children were good at identifying what's on the outside e.g. hair colour and clothes. We helped the children to describe what was on the inside. They were very good at this and were able to identify kindness, happiness and other emotions. They even picked up on some of the activities certain children liked to do. 

Although equality has been our school focus this week it is something that we try to embed in all our daily teaching.


This week we have revisited the letter sounds introduced to the children during this half term and have practised blending sounds into words. 

After the half term we will give you the handout with the letter sounds which will be introduced to the children after the break.


In Maths the children have been making repeating patterns using 2D shapes.

After half term we will focus on number lines.

Have a restful half term! 

Mrs Sheehan


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