
Hello all,
During the week we have been making repeating patterns. We used real resources to make patterns and body percussions to play patterns. Thank you for bringing acorns, conkers and pinecones to school. It is lovely to see the children using natural resources for playing and learning. 
Each day this week we have been playing ring games. During the games the children had lots of fun and practised the important skills of turn taking while communicating. 
On Friday we have released the worms from our wormery back into their natural habitat. We have discussed the importance of returning living things into nature after observation.

In phonics the children have been introduced to the letter sounds: h, b, f, l.
Please revise all of the Autumn 1 letter sounds at home from the handout you have been given during Reading information meeting. Your support is highly appreciated.

In maths we have been making repeating patterns. Next week we will be making patterns using 2D shapes.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all next week during parent-teacher consultations. The meeting takes 10 minutes, please choose a slot if you haven't done so already.

Next week we are holding an Equalities Week and as part of this the school will be supporting 'Wear Red Day' on October 21st which is a day of celebration of the anti-racism movement. To do this we are holding a non-uniform day, but the children must wear at least one item that is red. In exchange for doing this we would like the children to bring a donation of at least a pound for the charity.



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