
 Hello all,

It was lovely to see some of you at the Harvest coffee morning today. The children have enjoyed practicing the songs throughout the week and I think you will agree they performed really well.

This week we have made a wormery with the children as they have been investigating the habitats of worms in our garden. The children can now watch the trails that the worms make as they move around the wormery. 

The children have enjoyed junk modelling using recyclable boxes. Could you please bring in recycle stuff to school so that the children can be creative with them. They have used scissors, tape, paper and string to create all sorts of amazing things such as robots, masks, mobile phones.

I think the highlight of the week has been our new nail bar. We have observed the children making nails using playdough, for each other so we decided to make our own nail bar in the setting. It has created an amazing learning environment where the children chat and practice communication and language whilst interacting with each other. It is a very exciting for me to see how they are absorbed in high quality play based on real life experiences. I have even had my nails done and Mrs Custis also had a manicure this week.

On the 7th of October was a National Poetry Day. We celebrated this day by writing a poem about a rainbow. This is our poem:


Rainbow is very colourful

and makes the sky really, really pretty

Rainbow is beautiful, magical and shiny

It lights up the sky

You can slide on the rainbow, and you can jump up high

Rainbow has a treasure

gold, gems and diamonds


In phonics the children were introduced to the letter sounds: ck, e, u, r.    

Thank you for supporting your children in learning the letter sounds at home.


In maths we have been using natural objects (acorns, conkers, shells) for matching numbers with quantities.

Next week we will focus on making repeating patterns.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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