Hello all,

What a busy week we have had in foundation. The children have settled so well and are beginning to relax into their learning.  We  have enjoyed the outdoor area as we continue to have the warm sun. We have started to learn songs for the Harvest festival and the children have enjoyed singing and dancing with Mrs Lawrence. We are really pleased with the way the children are engaging with each other and all the activities. They are confident in asking us for help and also if they are a little unsettled they are comfortable connecting to a familiar adult for support. I have sent home the children's learning journals today so that you can see who their key person is. The book also includes a settling in form with an observation from us of your child's first 2 weeks. Could you please fill in the parent section and return the book on Tuesday so that we can start to use the books in the setting.


This week the children were introduced to the letter sounds: s, a, t, p. We have been identifying initial sounds in words and have practised oral blending.

Next week we will be learning letter sounds: i, n, m, d.


In maths we have been singing number rhymes and have been counting actions.

Next week we will be looking at numbers of personal significance e.g. our age, house number, etc.

Children can bring pictures of their house number in from home ( taken on camera/drawn) or other pictures with numbers that are important to them.


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