Hello all,

This week we have been learning about worms. The children found lots of them in the garden and have created worm houses and even a hospital for the injured worm.  We used information books to find out facts about worms. While reading 'Superworm ' by Julia Donaldson, the children were thinking of ideas of what could the Superworm become e.g. a belt, a bracelet or a rope for summersaults. Throughout the week we have been singing and acting out  'Five Little worms on the garden Lawn' which the children have really enjoyed. We have discussed the vocabulary from the song such us: a lawn, a magpie, at the crack of dawn.


In phonics the children have been introduced to the letter sounds: g, o, c, k and the tricky word 'is'. Please revisit these sounds at home during the weekend. We greatly appreciate your support.


In Math we have been counting objects with one to one correspondence. The children used acorns for counting activities and for play in the home corner. If you are out for a walk with your children, please collect some natural resources for play and maths activities such as conkers, pinecones, acorns, leaves and bring them to school.

We would also appreciate if you could bring some boxes from your recycling bin for junk modelling. The children are very creative and would love to turn the boxes into robots, mobile phones and other objects to support their play.

Have a great weekend1 

Mrs Sheehan


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