
We are very excited that Miss Chandler has given birth to a baby boy called Alby. I am sure the children will be very excited to see the photographs on Monday as they have been observing the timeline of  the pregnancy. We wish the family all our best for the wonderful sleepless nights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week the children engaged in a variety of messy play and creative  activities. We were exploring the meaning of the word 'creative' and have discussed the different ways in which we can express ourselves. The children engaged in painting, pattern making, designing models out of construction materials and performing songs, dances and creative story telling.

As the weather was beautiful this week, we have spent a lot of time outdoors. The children loved playing football, playing games with the parachute and were looking for bugs under stones and wooden logs.

Next week on Thursday is the transition day. The Reception class children will spend some time in their new Year 1 classroom with their new teacher Ms Davis. 

Ms Davis has visited us few times in Foundation.  She spent time getting to know the children and read a story to the class. The children are very excited about going to Year 1 after the Summer holiday.


In Phonics we have been revisiting the tricky words and we were making up sentences with the words. 


In Maths we have been adding two single digit numbers. Next week we will focus on taking away.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Sheehan


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