Hello all,

Over this half term in Reception we are going to be learning about the use of electronic devices. This week the children have been using a camera to take photos of each other. They really enjoyed doing this. They were amazing at striking funny poses and behind the camera lens. We are going to make a display of  our work in the classroom.


In maths we have started learning about money. It would be great if during the weekend the children could use money for buying items. Potters Bar carnival could be a great opportunity for it.


This week we have introduced the new Phonics Scheme to the class:  Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised. You have all received a letter which explains the new reading system. If you have any questions please speak to myself or Mrs Robinson.

Today the children have taken a reading book home and a library book which they are not expected to read on their own but to share with the family. Please make sure that the books are returned to school by Monday as they will be used by another group of children.

Wishing you a lovely weekend. Hopefully many of you will be able to come along to Potters Bar Carnival. Please see the information in the school newsletter.

Mrs Sheehan


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