Hello all,
This week we have started to  explore the topic 'Around the World'.
Ms Rickhy told us some interesting facts about Trinidad and Tobago which is where she was born and Harrison told us about St. Lucia, the country where his grandmother lives. Safia told us about her visit in Slimbridge Wetland Centre. We also learnt from Stevie and Aris about kangaroo's from Australia and their Greek holiday that they will be having later this year. Arianna shared some photos with us about her holiday in Devon when she was a baby.
Please continue sending pictures from different places around the world. Teaching children about the world and different cultures helps them to understand the world and appreciate the differences in people.
Next week I will introduce Poland to the children and hopefully we will have some photos and stories from the class too, so it would be fantastic if you can manage to walk to school as often as possible. 

In Phonics we have continued identifying tricky words and digraphs in sentences. 
Next week we will focus on using the tricky words in writing.
In maths the children used a variety of resources to measure objects.
Next week we will be learning about capacity through 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' story.

Walk to school week
Next week is Walk to school week so please encourage your children to walk, cycle or scoot to school if possible. We will be discussing the benefits of walking to school in class.

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Sheehan

                                             Tommy's fort
                                             Medics in action

                                                 Making our own books
                                                    Measuring objects with cubes

                                             Drawing a football game
                                              Checking our height

                                               Measuring with our feet


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