Hello all.
This week in Reception we have been investigating capacity. During the week we had a variety of activities set up for the children where they could experiment and practise what they have learnt during the teacher lead sessions.
We continue with our ' Around the Word' topic. Henry brought pictures from America where he could see crocodiles and enormous Hulk made of lego. I have told the children the legend of Poland and we were singing 'The Wheels on the bus ' in Polish. It is great to see the children developing their knowledge and curiosity about the World.
Next week we are holding a Platinum Jubilee Celebration afternoon on Friday, 27th May for parents. The event will start at 2.00pm and will take place on the school grounds. All the classes will be performing a song from every decade that the queen has been on the throne. Children will be sat in class groupings but parents will be allowed to sit with their children as long as the class teachers know that you have your child. On the day the children should come to school dressed in red, white and blue, refreshments will be for sale during the afternoon. As the event is taking place outside it will be weather dependent. Fingers crossed though that it will be able to go ahead and help give us a rousing send off into the half-term break. If you would like to make a donation towards the refreshments, please send your donations in from Thursday 26th May. Please label any boxes you would like returned to you.
Please remember your £3.00 contribution towards the Jubilee plates that the children will be decorating next week.
Please remember to log into our new parent portal. All school dinner balances are now shown via this portal and gradually all payments for trips will be moving over from School Gateway. If you haven't already downloaded the app please use the link below.
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