
Showing posts from May, 2022
 Hello all, This week we have had a truly festive atmosphere in the Foundation Stage as we have celebrated the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Amongst other activities, the children decorated biscuits with red, blue and while icing, they made crowns, Union Jack flag and they have role played the royal family. It was lovely to get together for the song singing at the end of the day. The children were fantastic on the stage! Phonics In phonics we continued identifying digraphs and tricky words in sentences and the children were introduced to the tricky word 'said'. After the half term we will be working on chunking up longer words in order to read them. Maths In maths our focus was weighing. The children explored the concept by using the balancing scale and by weighing themselves. After the half term we will be learning about money. Have a restful half term! Mrs Sheehan
 Hello all.  This week in Reception we have been investigating capacity. During the week we had a variety of activities set up for the children where they could experiment and practise what they have learnt during the teacher lead sessions.  We continue with our ' Around the Word' topic. Henry brought pictures from America where he could see crocodiles and enormous Hulk made of lego. I have told the children the legend of Poland and we were singing 'The Wheels on the bus ' in Polish.  It is great to see the children developing their knowledge and curiosity about the World. Phonics In phonics we have been using digraphs in our writing. We have discussed farm animals and the children made list of animals which live on a farm such as: sheep, goat, chic, duck, cow.  Next week we will be learning new tricky words: 'said' and 'have.' Maths  This week we have been learning about capacity. Next week we will concentrate on weight.   As we have a hot weather for...
Hello all, This week we have started to  explore the topic 'Around the World'. Ms Rickhy told us some interesting facts about Trinidad and Tobago which is where she was born and Harrison told us about St. Lucia, the country where his grandmother lives. Safia told us about her visit in Slimbridge Wetland Centre. We also learnt from Stevie and Aris about kangaroo's from Australia and their Greek holiday that they will be having later this year. Arianna shared some photos with us about her holiday in Devon when she was a baby. Please continue sending pictures from different places around the world. Teaching children about the world and different cultures helps them to understand the world and appreciate the differences in people. Next week I will introduce Poland to the children and hopefully we will have some photos and stories from the class too, so it would be fantastic if you can manage to walk to school as often as possible.  Phonics In Phonics we have continued identifyi...
Hello everyone, This week in Reception we have played different games and discussed the importance of learning and obeying the rules while playing a game. The children especially enjoyed playing Double, Snakes and Ladders, Connect Four and Hopscotch. There are so many benefits of taking part in a game, amongst others, games teach children to follow instructions, build communication skills, help children learn to fail and encourage healthy competition.  From next week we will be looking at a map of the world and we will discuss different locations which are familiar to us. It might be a place where our relatives come from or which we have visited during holidays.  It would be great if the children could bring a photograph to school of the place they want to show and tell us a short story related to the picture. Next week Ms Ricky will tell us about Trinidad and Tobago. Phonics In Phonics this week we have been identifying tricky words and digraphs in sentences. Next week we wil...