Hello everyone,

We have had a very exciting week enjoying Easter activities in school. We have discussed the  Easter traditions and the children have created colourful Easter eggs and Easter cards for their friends and family. The children were thrilled taking part in the Easter egg hunt in our garden and enjoyed making chocolate nests. The smell of melted chocolate put us all in the festive mood.



In phonics we have been practicing reading words with digraphs and we have learnt a new tricky word 'all'.

After Easter we will focus on writing captions for pictures.


In maths we have been working on developing our understanding of 'half'. After Easter we will be exploring 'double'.

                                                          Sharing into equal quantities

                                                                Learning about 'half''

Tuesday 19th April INSET DAY school is closed.
Children return on Wednesday 20th April.
Class photographs on the Friday 22nd April.
Summer uniform can be worn after the holidays.

Have a lovely Easter break!

Mrs Sheehan


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