
 Hello all,

When the children came back to school after the half term they were super excited to see that their classroom has changed so much and that they have lots of new play areas. The classroom is buzzing with the children engaging in various role plays. We have an office, a hospital, a hairdresser and a café areas as well as a dinosaur small role play. We have also created a cosy book reading area where the children can read or share a book with a friend.

Next week

Thursday, March 3rd is World Book day. This is a day that the children really look forward to. As usual the children can come dressed as one of their favourite book characters (no football strips please) and they will be carrying out lots of activities related to books chosen by their class teachers throughout the day.  This is a very important event because being able to read well is one of the most important skills that a child can acquire and promoting it in a fun and exciting way helps us to promote this message. 


In Phonics we have been revisiting the letter sounds we have learnt so far and using our phonics knowledge in reading and writing.

Next week the children will be introduced to the letter sounds: 'ear' and 'air' and the tricky word: 'was'.


In Maths we have been working on number bonds to 5 which we will continue next week.

In PE the children have been learning about their hearts and the importance of physical exercise for their health.

In Music the children were singing lots of songs related to animal theme.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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