Hello everyone,

This week in Foundation our focus was on The Three Billy Goat Gruff story. The children used puppets to retell the story and we have drawn a story map. We loved joining in singing while listening to the audio version of the story. As we have noticed that the children were very keen on acting, we have created a puppet theatre for them which was very popular.

On Tuesday we had a visiting drama workshop all about the jungle. The children were really engaged in the activities and it was a great success.

Next week we will be  learning about day and night and about nocturnal animals.

Sensory Day

Next week, on Wednesday we are going to be having a sensory day. We will be making the classroom dark and we will be using our senses to explore and experience familiar activities in different ways. For this day we would like the children to come to school in the pyjamas and dressing gowns. ( Onesies are not recommended as the children will struggle with the toilet. Please make sure your child is warm enough as we will be going outside as usual. On previous years parents have put clothes on underneath their Pj's so that they are warm. We would like each child to bring a torch clearly labelled to use on that day. Please speak to me if you do not have one.


This week in maths we have used dice and dominoes to help us recognise quantities without counting individual objects or marks.

Next week we will work on recognising two dimensional shapes.


This week the children were introduced to the letter sounds: ng, ai, ee and the tricky word 'we'.

Next week we will be learning the sounds: igh, oa, oo, ar at the tricky word : 'me'.

                                                                   Jungle workshop


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