
Hello all,

We could feel the festive atmosphere in  foundation  this week. The children have been practising the songs for their Christmas concert and are ready to perform. We are looking forward to see you next week, all being well.

On Wednesday we  enjoyed our Christmas dinner. The children had lots of fun when popping the Christmas crackers, wearing crowns and singing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' for our dinner ladies to thank them for preparing their delicious food.

Unfortunately we could not light the fire outside due to the weather so Mrs Robinson, with the help of the children and some magic spells created a camp fire in our classroom.
We  enjoyed having a hot dog and a drink of milk around the fire.


In phonics this week the children were introduced to the letter sounds: y, x, z ,qu and the tricky word : 'she'.

Next week we will use our phonics knowledge in writing.


In maths we have been finding the number that is one more from a given number.

Next week we will focus on number formation.

In PE Mr Mills introduced the children to the dodgeball game which was much enjoyed by all.

We are glad to hear that the children are enjoying their reading books.

Reading books

We are glad to hear that the children are enjoying their reading books.

Please note that the reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. The folder should be left in your child's box rather than in their bag, as we do not check children's bags.

Next week we will be performing our songs on the stage. Could you please send your child in Christmas clothes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday .Some children find this quite hard when they see their families. Please be reassured that we will be watching and supporting any child who is upset. 

We will update you if there are any changes to the performance due to Covid.
Have a great weekend.

Mrs Sheehan


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