Hello everyone,

This week the children have enjoyed the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We have been singing songs and sequencing the events in the story. The children were also able to create an alternative ending to the story.

Next week our focus story will be 'The Three Little Pigs'. 


This week we have been reading books with rhyming words and have been playing rhyming games. 

At home, I would like the children to find two items which rhyme e.g. spoon- balloon and bring them to school next week in a named bag. 

Next week we will be playing blending and segmenting sounds games.


In maths we were looking at numbers of personal significance which we will continue to do next week.. Children can bring pictures of their house number in from home ( taken on camera or drawn). The pictures will be displayed in our classroom.

On the 24th of September the children will have their individual photographs taken. 

We will also celebrate Spanish Day at school on the 24 of September. The Foundation stage children will be learning the Flamenco dance and will learn to sing the' Hello' song in different languages.


Could you please send in any recyclable boxes and pots as the children can use them to make models.

Could you please return your child's learning journal ASAP so that we can start to collate their observations.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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