
 Hello everyone,

As we were lucky with such beautiful weather for most of this week, the children spent lots of time playing and exploring the outdoor area . It is lovely to see the children growing in confidence and making new relationships.

Over the week, we have been reading stories about different feelings and were discussing the ways of expressing our emotions. The children really enjoyed singing" Little Ladybird sitting on a stone".

Our art table was very popular. The children had a go at creating with different collage materials. Next week we are going to start introducing joining techniques while modelling with junk. If you have any empty pots and boxes in your recycling bin, we would be very grateful if you could bring them to school next week.

On Friday Reception class took part in their first music assembly with our music teacher Mrs Lawrence in the school hall. They also enjoyed singing, dancing and playing musical instruments during the music lesson.

Reception class has three weekly PE sessions with Mr Mills. This week the children have been learning how to control a ball.

Next week we will begin our Phonics programme. During the first week we will concentrate on rhyming words and initial sounds.

Our focus story for next week will be " Little Red Riding Hood".

In maths we will be recognising numerals of personal significance. 

I have sent home the children's learning journals and I would like you to fill in the section about how you feel your child has settled. Can you also ask your child how they feel about school and fill in that section as well.


As we provide a healthy snack each day at school, the children should not bring any snack from home with them.

Have a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Sheehan


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