Hello everyone,

I can't believe this was our last full week in Reception. It has been a turbulent year for all of us but the children have adopted well to changes and have grown in so many ways over the year. They are now ready for the new challenge of moving on to Year 1. 

The children are familiar with their new teacher Ms Davis as she was teaching them for over a week and we have shown the children their new classroom . They are very excited about going to Year 1.

On Thursday the children had their hearing and vision tested at school. You will receive the outcome of the tests soon.

This week we have been talking about holidays and the different means of travel. As not many of us will be able to go on holiday this year, we were also thinking about the ways of spending fun time when we stay at home.

During the week we have been revisiting our phonics and have been consolidating what we have learnt in maths.

If you have any school books at home, please return them to school on Monday.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Sheehan


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