Hello all,

Thank you to all the parents who have managed to take part in the parent -teacher consultations. It was lovely to talk to you about your child's progress. I will send children's end of year reports and the learning journals home next week.

Ms Davis had a wonderful week with Reception. She got to know the children well and they have become familiar with her too. This will make the transition to Year 1 much smoother.

I have heard that the children have had a lot of fun during the Sports Day. It was such a lovely, sunny day for it and I'm sure you have enjoyed it too.

This week the children were learning about the effects of physical exercise on their bodies. 

Next week we will be learning about our emotions and our focus story will be 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas.


This week the children continued with addition, next week we will move on to subtraction.


In phonics we will focus on our tricky words and we will practise letter formation.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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