Hello all,

This week we had lots of exciting things happening in Reception which I am sure the children have shared with you at home. When we returned to school we could see our caterpillars still in their cocoons. The children were lucky to witness the butterflies emerging from the cocoons which was super exciting. We fed the butterflies nectar and fruit so they could gain strength before we let them go into the big world. Also, our tadpoles have now grown back legs and some front legs too. We have released the majority of them into a pond as we felt that they needed more space. We have left some in the classroom so the children can watch the full transformation of a tadpole to a frog.

This week we have been discussing a healthy diet and the importance of eating fruit and vegetables for our health. We have read information books on the subject and "The vegetable glue" story. The children seem to have a good understanding of what foods are beneficial for their health.

Next week we will be learning about different jobs that people do.


In phonics we have revisited Reception letter sounds and have been using our phonics knowledge to make labels for objects.


This week we have focused on numbers within 20 which we will continue next week. The children enjoyed playing games with a dice and a number spinner.

As we have a lot of sunshine recently, please remember to put sun cream on your child before school. It is also important that they bring a sun hat and a bottle of water.

Have a restful weekend!

Mrs Sheehan



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