Hello everyone,

This week Reception class was learning about spiders. The children were very excited to share their experiences of  spiders and have created lots of scary spiders in art. They used their knowledge to write spider facts.

As this week was Walk to school week, we have been discussing the benefits of walking to school. The children are aware of all the powers that walking gives us. They know that walking makes us: super strong, super smart, super safe, super smiley and super sustainable. Keep walking everyone!

We can't believe how quickly our caterpillars are growing and we are waiting for them to start making their cocoons.

Mrs Philips was very kind to bring some tadpoles to school on Friday so next week we will be learning about life cycle of a frog. Very exciting!


In phonics the children learnt the tricky word: 'some'. We have been using phoneme frames for segmenting sounds into words.

Next week we will learn the tricky words: 'come' and 'little'.


In maths we have been working on number bonds using Numicon. We will continue with number bonds next week.

Today we said goodbye  to our lovely Dylan. We wish him best of luck in his new school and we hope he will visit us soon. We have finished the week with Dylan's favourite ring song: Little Ladybird sitting on the stone.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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