Hello everyone,

The highlight of this week in Reception class was making magic potions and spells. The children have shown lots of excitement while exploring the magic theme and they have written brilliant magic spells and potion recipes. The spells certainly had magic powers as I have been turned into a frog, a grumpy old lady and a clown. We have read and discussed 'The Magic Porridge Pot' story. At the end of the week we have put all of 

our worries in the magic hat and we have made them disappear.

As the children show a great interest in bugs which they find outdoors, next week we will focus on exploring minibeasts.


This week the children have learnt the tricky word: 'have'. We continue revising Phase 3 letter sounds. I can often see groups of children using our letter sound display while playing 'teachers'. Fantastic learning through play.

Next week the children will be introduced to the tricky words: "do" and "like". 


Reception enjoyed leaning about odd and even numbers this week. Throughout the week the children have been doing self registration and we were finding out if our number on the register is odd or even.

To help the children to understand the concept of odd and even, we have used a balancing scale. The children have noticed, that if we share even quantities the scale is balanced, when we have odd number of objects, one side is heavier. We will continue to explore number patterns next week.

The children were excited to take their beans home today. It is time for the beans to be replanted in the soil. It would be great if they could continue look after their beans at home and observe how they change. Perhaps they could keep a record of their bean's growth by drawing a picture of the plant and making a note of the changes they have noticed. They will have an opportunity to share their observations at school.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sheehan

                                                            Learning the letter sounds
                                                    Learning the letters of the alphabet
                                         Independent learning about odds and even numbers
                                We put our worries in the magic hat and made them disappear

We have noticed that our beans have huge roots
                                                        Making magic potions


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