Hello all, 

This week we have received a delivery of Caterpillars to Butterflies growing kit. The children are very excited to watch our caterpillars grow and have even made up names for each one of them. 

Using models the children told the story of a butterfly life cycle. Throughout the week we have been reading stories related to the subject.

Next week we will be learning about spiders. The children found a huge spider in our garden which they were observing  from a distance. They had some spider facts to share with me and have asked lots of questions .We have spoken about the respect we should have for all the living creatures.


This week we have focused on the tricky word 'like'. In our daily phonics lessons we have used phoneme frames for segmenting words into phonemes.

The children are very good at singing the alphabet song backwards. Please practise the names of the letters as opposed to the letter sounds at home.

Next week we will learn the tricky word 'some'.


This week in maths we have focused on odd and even numbers. Next week we will concentrate on number bonds.

Next week is Walk to school week. Please when possible, encourage your child to walk, scoot or cycle to school. We will be discussing benefits of taking a daily walk at school.

The Big Ask

Last month the largest survey ever of children in England, “The Big Ask” has been launched. The views and experiences children share through “The Big Ask” will help to shape the forthcoming Childhood Commission, which will set out plans for how to make sure children are at the heart of rebuilding after the pandemic. Please complete the survey at : thebigask.uk.

Just a reminder that the children should not wear earrings or nail polish to school. 

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Sheehan


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