Hello all,

This week Reception class was learning about the life cycle of a frog. The children love watching our tadpoles and have made interesting observations throughout the week. We are waiting for the next stage of the cycle when the tadpoles will grow their back legs. 

We have really appreciated the lovely sunshine after weeks of cold weather. The children loved playing and learning outside. Ball games and laser tug role play were particularly popular amongst the children.

After the half term we will be learning about healthy foods.


This week we have focused on making sentences with our tricky words and have been practising reading longer words.


This week we have started practising letters from 'the curly caterpillars' family. So far we have practised: c, a, d and o. We have been also writing words that begin with these sounds.


In maths we have been working on number bonds using interlocking cubes. After the half term we will focus on numbers within 20. 

We are hoping that the weather will by sunny when we return to school after the half term so please remember to put sun cream on your child before school, make sure that they have a sun hat and a water bottle.

Have a restful break!

Mrs Sheehan



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